A bouquet composed of bright blooms in shades of your chosen color palette, a variety of foliage and textured accents finished in trailing natural silk.
Please be aware that we are unable to fulfill requests for specific flowers due to the constantly changing availability. We select the blooms based on creativity and expertise and ask our couples to place full trust in our ability to craft something beautiful, artistic, and unique for their special day. Please note that customization options are limited to your chosen color palette, allowing us to create a stunning arrangement that complements your vision.
Delivery and set-up are not included in our Flower Shop service. This option is exclusively designed for convenient pick-up at our North Broad Street location. Simply schedule your pick-up for the day before or the morning of your event, and collect your vibrant blooms. Everything will be securely packed for a smooth car ride, and we will guide you through detailed care instructions to keep your flowers looking fabulous.